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Mappedin Maps for Indoor Positioning

Indoor positioning for any space

Add indoor mapping to positioning systems and applications for a complete view of venue navigation and operations.

Millions of people visiting the world's largest venues use Mappedin

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Power wayfinding and asset location applications with indoor intelligence

Industry-leading indoor mapping enables a range of applications, from blue dot navigation for enhanced visitor experience to asset location tracking for improved planning and decision-making.

Yorkdale Mall map UX

Integrate indoor positioning & indoor mapping

Though different, indoor positioning and indoor mapping can work seamlessly for high-quality, end-to-end location intelligence. Integrate Mappedin to enrich your indoor positioning systems (IPS) with asset visualization and real-time navigation within enhanced applications for tracking of people and assets.

Stadium directions on a digital map

Enhance solutions with real-time search, exploration & navigation

Make experiencing complex spaces fast, easy, and engaging no matter the venue size or layout with blue-dot navigation. With immediate location context and multi-level, 3D map visualizations, provide users with step-by-step guidance to destinations and points along the way.

Hudson Yards maps on devices

Gain operations insights with indoor navigation & asset location data

Mappedin SDK allows for real-time data visualization, position analysis, and pattern tracking for space optimization, asset availability, resource allocation, and more. Improve operations with location data-informed decisions for layouts, staffing, and marketing strategies based on traffic flows within facilities.

Dev screenshot


Build with Mappedin SDK

Easily add indoor positioning to your app with the most advanced mapping toolkit. Start building and unlock more possibilities today.

Powerful indoor mapping tools

Mappedin has a wide range of product offerings for numerous industries and use cases. Use them to facilitate visits for onsite customers and web users and manage maps across multiple sites. Pick the products that meet your needs and customize your own package.

Guidance and navigation for every industry

At Mappedin, we’re helping our clients digitize the indoors. We maintain a source of truth for billions of square feet of indoor space worldwide. You’ll find us anywhere that people gather for work, learning, entertainment, or recreation. Have a look at the industries we support with versatile, accurate digital indoor maps.

A Mappedin Directory Map


A solution to fit your budget

Mappedin is a one-stop solution for all your indoor mapping needs. Sign up for free and get hands-on experience today. Or rely on our professional expertise to show you everything Mappedin can do. Mappedin makes it easy to get started by setting up your venue. It’s the fastest—and best—way to gain access to a useful indoor map for driving results.

A Mappedin Directory Map

Need to learn more?

We’re the market leader for indoor mapping and wayfinding. Let’s talk.

Ask about our products, pricing, implementation, or anything else — our friendly reps are standing by, ready to help. Get hands-on with our leading mapping technology.