Apple Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF)

Create fully customized indoor maps using industry-standard tools.

Mappedin’s IMDF Exporter

The Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF) offers a versatile and all-encompassing structure for any indoor setting, serving as a foundation for orientation, wayfinding, and exploration. This technology empowers venues, organizations, or industries to craft entirely personalized indoor maps utilizing widely accepted tools. These maps leverage the existing Wi-Fi networks, delivering GPS-level precision for location services, allowing visitors to seamlessly traverse interior spaces with their mobile devices.

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Mappedin IMDF Exports

Why IMDF exports with Mappedin

IMDF is a GeoJSON based format that includes various geometry and location data associated with a venue. These files include Feature Objects which represent a physical or conceptual element of an indoor map. Although each IMDF export is unique, they all have some amazing features.

Blue Dot Indoor Positioning

  • Unlock infrastructure-free indoor positioning through IMDF, fingerprinting, and Mappedin’s front-end experiences, our solutions include turn-by-turn wayfinding and blue dot positioning capabilities.

  • Using Mappedin's Responsive Web App, visitors can access their location directly in the browser. This experience is seamless and does not rely on hardware installations or application downloads.

Showcase your Indoor Maps on Apple Maps

  • Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF) makes it possible for anyone to create indoor map apps and services using the same highly accurate and detailed data across any website, app, or operating system.

  • Mappedin’s IMDF export has been fully approved through Apple, following the recognized Community Standard.

Versatile Applications

  • Regardless of industry, Mappedin provides you with a simplified workflow to showcase your venue floor plans on Apple Maps. We've worked with shopping malls, office buildings, stadiums, campuses, grocery stores, retailers, and more around the globe.

  • Mappedin enables indoor mapping experiences across your entire portfolio of digital touch points. From your website to mobile applications and touchscreen digital directories, visitors can rely on an accurate and intuitive mapping experience.

Leader in Indoor Mapping

  • Apple has made their indoor mapping program available to all, meaning anyone can submit data through IMDF.

  • The difference with Mappedin is our expertise and experience with indoor venues, a dedication to heightened data standards, process automation, constant collaboration with Apple, and the ability to maintain your venue maps through one platform.


An Improved IMDF Workflow

Mappedin provides indoor mapping for 1300+ venues in 54+ countries around the world. Our industry-leading tools power 1,300,000,000+ square feet of data, wayfinding, and indoor maps. With our new improved IMDF workflow, we make it easier for you to now maintain your IMDF as well as convert your floor plans and blueprints to IMDF

Create & Maintain IMDF

Mappedin’s Platform transforms 2D floor plans and blueprints into digital assets to be used in any venue type. Along with powerful front-end experiences, Mappedin has the ability to convert your indoor mapping data to IMDF. This export allows maps to be maintained over time and provides you with the flexibility to build any indoor mapping experience. As locations within your venue change and grow, Mappedin's Editor acts as a centralized management tool to edit your indoor maps and maintain accurate data. Edit location information, manage map geometry, and more to ensure that your IMDF stays up-to-date. Changes to your map are exported to Apple so that visitors can rely on accurate data.

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Check Out Our Products

At Mappedin, we’re helping our clients digitize the indoors. We maintain a source of truth for billions of square feet of indoor space and offer many mapping products to suit your venue's needs. You’ll find our products anywhere that people gather for work, learning, entertainment, or recreation. Have a look at the other products we offer.

We have some great ideas about IMDF.

Read the blog

Product 101: IMDF Export


Along with providing powerful front-end experiences, Mappedin has the ability to convert your indoor mapping...

Product 101: GeoJSON Exports


Taking a closer look at IMDF and MVF - two types of GeoJSON exports -...

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We’re the market leader for IMDF. Let’s talk.

By now you understand the value and ease of having an indoor map for your space. Let us show you how we can provide the technology and support to make the power of indoor mapping work for you.

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