Outdoor navigation has become a mindless standard in today’s society thanks to blue dot wayfinding that shows your updated location, but what about indoor navigation? Integrating blue dot technology with your building can enhance indoor wayfinding and digitize your environment. Our devices have become an essential part of our everyday lives. We use them to navigate through the outdoors and with advancements in blue dot technology, we can navigate the indoors as well. Printed maps that signal “You Are Here” have transformed into a blue dot on our devices, allowing people to continuously reference their whereabouts as they move through a building.
With blue dot wayfinding, getting around can be simple. A blue dot will pop up on your map to signal your precise location, ensuring you know your whereabouts at all times. There is no need to search for a physical map at an amusement park or museum when implementing blue dot at your venue and it provides all of the information visitors need at their fingertips. But the perks of blue dot don’t stop there, blue dot can be implemented in many different industries to provide a number of perks. Here are some use cases for blue dot navigation:
1. Shopping malls
In-store mall directories are a handy tool when searching for a particular store, but blue dot takes this experience one step further. With blue dot technology, memorizing a route from when you first walk into the mall is no longer necessary. Transition from a one-time search for directions to blue dot wayfinding for a guided experience. Shoppers can simply load the map on their devices and locate themselves with the blue dot while navigating through the mall. Shoppers can activate follow-mode to provide further context and ensure they don’t get lost in the event of making a wrong turn. This makes finding your way through the mall easy and accessible to all shoppers. Mall owners and operators can use blue dot insights to reshape your mall. Monitor which stores are driving the most foot traffic and shape your mall accordingly so customers can get the most out of their trip.
Blue dot technology goes beyond just navigation and can be used as a tool for proximity marketing. Shoppers can walk into a certain area and receive notifications with the latest deals and sales, ensuring they get the best bang for their buck. Blue dot technology keeps shoppers up to date with current information while making for an enhanced shopping experience.

2. Grocery stores
The demand for online grocery shopping has increased tremendously as it is safe, easy, and efficient for customers. However, the people behind the scenes are in charge of picking and packing which, without the right tools, can be a long and tedious process. A store associate has to physically navigate the store and pick out groceries before sending them to a customer. This process can be more productive with blue dot as associates can locate themselves in the store and find the most efficient route to purchase products for an order.
Blue dot enables shoppers to locate products seamlessly and reduce distance and travel time. If indoor positioning is paired with a digital map, a variety of information can be displayed, such as the price of the product, its product number, how much is in stock, and its precise location, making for an easy trip around the store. Grocery stores can optimize shopping paths to strategically serve multiple customers along the same route by planning the whereabouts of products and shoppers can plan accordingly to avoid missing items and having to backtrack in the store.
3. Offices
With hybrid-style offices on the rise, it's no secret that employees will be interacting with the office in new ways. The future of the pandemic remains unknown, leaving contact tracing procedures still in effect. Blue dot technology creates an easy-to-use contact tracing system that makes for a stress-free return to work. Avoid making employees fill out tedious forms regarding exactly who they have interacted with. Instead, implement blue dot technology for a safe and effortless return to the office.
In addition to blue dot’s seamless wayfinding around the office, blue dot keeps track of other employees you have come into contact with in the event of an outbreak. Blue dot can identify when employee devices have come into close proximity with one another and collect the spatial and temporal data of each encounter. Blue dot relies on employee devices to provide a hardware-free system that can utilize real-time data of the time, duration, location, and proximity of a contact event. Utilize data from blue dot technology to prevent future outbreaks and send out notifications to employees accordingly.

4. Airports
Airports can use blue dot and proximity messaging to alert travellers of flight delays and gate changes, providing directions and accommodations from their current precise location to avoid confusion. This technology can also alert travellers to the nearest coffee or car rental service, ensuring the information they need is at their disposal.
While seamlessly allowing visitors to navigate their way through the airport, airports can implement blue dot technology to manage the potential risk of diseases to travellers and employees. Blue dot technology can provide location-based information to monitor where infectious diseases are coming from based on your location in the airport. Airports can then prepare for incoming diseases and outbreaks across the world based on indoor positioning in the airport, and respond accordingly using real-time data from blue dot insights. Prepare for outbreaks using the insights from blue dot navigation in the airport and track the foot traffic of flights and gate areas, helping deliver a safer experience for travellers. Blue dot technology can examine flight schedules and anonymous ticket sales data to pinpoint disease hotspots and predict the risk of disease being re-imported to the country. Stay one step ahead of global disease using blue dot’s data analytics to monitor the spread in airports.

5. Stadiums
“Seat 225 section B” can be a difficult seat to find when you accidentally enter through the wrong gate or entrance. With blue dot wayfinding, locating your way through a complex stadium is simple. Stadiums are using blue dot to go beyond just simply notifying a visitor of their surroundings. Get notifications when the game is starting to make sure you don’t miss a second of the action. With blue dot technology, visitors can order food right from their seat and have an employee bring it right to them, making sure visitors see all the full game they paid for. Avoid making visitors miss part of an exciting game waiting in line for food, with blue dot technology.

6. Health care
Time is precious in a healthcare facility, that's why blue dot can help. Blue dot allows visitors to easily navigate their way through hospitals, saving time and reducing stress. Blue dot can also be helpful for employees by allowing health care workers to implement asset tracking and take stock of their equipment. Employees can tag equipment and then utilize blue dot to quickly find its whereabouts in these large, complex facilities whenever they need it.

7. Amusement parks
A map of an amusement park is a helpful tool when finding yourself in an endless loop of roller coasters. With blue dot wayfinding, you can ensure you know where you are within the park at all times and easily find the rides you are searching for. Plan your route with blue dot wayfinding and use a portable map on your phone to know where the nearest desired food and activities are.
Energy is high when surrounded by rollercoasters and it's easy for kids to run wild. Amusement parks can create a park app with a digital map that allows users to share locations with one another. When dealing with antsy children, be “in the know” with a blue dot and ensure your child's safety by knowing their whereabouts in the amusement park. Use location sharing permission levels to accommodate visiting with a large group of friends, class trips, summer camp, etc. Blue dot functionality can include security detail, enabling emergency services to be immediately dispatched to your location in the event of a crisis. Blue dot navigation provides an extra sense of security to keep your friends and family safe while enjoying a fun day at the park.
8. Museums
Experience a guided tour through a museum with indoor maps and a blue dot navigation system. A visitors' journey through the museum can be enhanced when receiving detailed information whenever they approach a specific exhibit or piece of art. Rely on a blue dot navigation system to create a digital experience that highlights innovative learning.

9. Parking lots
Finding a parking space can be an irritating task, especially with the added annoyance of scrambling for change to put in a meter. Luckily, this process is becoming obsolete with the implementation of blue dot technology. With blue dot, you can pay through your phone and receive notifications on when your parking time is running out and even receive the option to add more time to your payment. When time is expiring, users can quickly see their location on the map and navigate back to their parking spot using blue dot technology to make parking more convenient.
These examples are just the start to utilizing blue dot technology. Mappedin offers a blue dot that can accommodate all. Visit our website to learn more about blue dot and see how this technology can benefit your business.
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